It is sad how sometimes we cannot find something that can make us happy; and it is sad how we are so overwhelmed by what we do that we forget in fact that we are not the sum of what we do throughout the day; but we are much more. During coaching sessions within the company, I ask my employees to write, among other things, what makes them happy. It is difficult for some of them – maybe they got used to seeing only the things that do not work. I thought about going through the same exercise myself and to think about the little things that make me happy. Here is the result:


To hear crickets sing during the summer.

To be from time to time on a plane.

To drink coffee during the weekend mornings, at home while reading until I lose the sense of time.

To read late in the evening and to forget about sleep.

To find myself in a hotel room.

To drink a glass of champagne in the evening, sometimes.

To drive without a destination with music playing out loud.

To go to the airport during a weekend afternoon to watch the planes land and take off.

To buy Christmas presents.

To watch the sky when there is a full moon and feel its presence over us.

To watch the moon reflect off the frozen land in the winter.

To drive through villages in autumn when people burn dried leaves and to relive the state of carefree, unlimited liberty of childhood.

To hold the hand of a child, to play with them.

To find a perfume that seduces me.

To receive a compliment.

To compliment someone who impresses me.

To wake up in the morning and see the sunrise.

To hear the rain outside while I am sitting in the cozy warmth of the house.

To walk through the spring and summer rain.

To revisit old pictures.

To meet someone who I have not seen for a long time.

To work on the plane for 3 hours and to have the satisfaction that I have been productive.

To watch a movie on my laptop during the night when no one is awake.

To eat at a restaurant that I like.

To eat macarons with caramel beurre sale with a glass of champagne in Paris.

To wake up in the morning with a lot of ideas and to write them down.

The sensation that flirting gives me sometimes.

To leave happily from the gym.


What makes you happy? I encourage you to do this exercise and write the little things in your life that make you happy.

Georgeta Dendrino