In French there is a verb which I like a lot: “s’endimancher”, to put on your Sunday clothes, to dress nicely on Sunday. When I was little, my mother would dress my brother and I up when we would visit someone on Sunday. That was my parents’ day off. Back then we saw it as a day of celebration. We waited for the end of the week so that the whole family could be together, my mother would take care of us to look tidy and clean (maybe more than during the week), and then we would go for a stroll.


Sunday is a state of mind. Metaphorically speaking “we wear our Sunday clothes” when we are happy, in love, or passionate about something. Our being is ready to celebrate when passion takes over our soul and mind.


Let’s make an experiment and imagine how the world would look like if people embraced the Sunday mood more often; if our soul and mind were refreshed, ready to go for a daily stroll, if they were happy and full of life.


Maybe we would smile more, turn against each other less, be more polite, we would enjoy talking and seeing people, maybe we could be more full of life, less indolent, more aware of our surroundings, more sensitive and more authentic human beings.



Georgeta Dendrino