by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
Today is International Gratitude Day. I’m not someone who practices gratitude exercises daily; I take these trendy guidelines with a pinch of salt. But I do often think of the people dear to me, those who have made an impact on my life. Sometimes I write to them, call...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
Acts of respect and good manners are often considered outdated by many of our contemporaries, something more fitting for the 19th century. Helping someone, holding a door open, standing up at a table when a woman gets up, greeting others, speaking without throwing...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
What a beautiful and profound exercise! If I were to speak to the child I once was, I would tell her, “I love you,” because she grew into someone who: Took care of her body and health, learning to listen to her own needs.Allowed herself to indulge in what...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
For the first time in my life, I attended a block meeting. It was an emergency one, and it seemed absolutely crucial that all apartment owners be present. The agenda, as I was to find out, had only one item: the block president—more precisely, the resignation of the...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
“In the spirit of authenticity, I expect to be accepted as I am, without having to change for anyone,” someone told me recently. This wasn’t from around here, but from another country; any resemblance to our Carpathian-Danubian reality is purely...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
“You probably know Pieter Bruegel the Elder’s painting, The Blind Leading the Blind. In that painting, each face has a different eye condition; all are trying to rely on their other senses to move forward, but it seems they will fall one by one. I sometimes...