International Gratitude Day

International Gratitude Day

Today is International Gratitude Day. I’m not someone who practices gratitude exercises daily; I take these trendy guidelines with a pinch of salt. But I do often think of the people dear to me, those who have made an impact on my life. Sometimes I write to them, call...
The Beauty of Courtesy in Modern Times

The Beauty of Courtesy in Modern Times

Acts of respect and good manners are often considered outdated by many of our contemporaries, something more fitting for the 19th century. Helping someone, holding a door open, standing up at a table when a woman gets up, greeting others, speaking without throwing...
A Conversation with My Younger Self

A Conversation with My Younger Self

What a beautiful and profound exercise! If I were to speak to the child I once was, I would tell her, “I love you,” because she grew into someone who: Took care of her body and health, learning to listen to her own needs.Allowed herself to indulge in what...
The Block Meeting Experience

The Block Meeting Experience

For the first time in my life, I attended a block meeting. It was an emergency one, and it seemed absolutely crucial that all apartment owners be present. The agenda, as I was to find out, had only one item: the block president—more precisely, the resignation of the...