The Beaten Path or a Personal Path?

The Beaten Path or a Personal Path?

The story goes that a group of researchers did an experiment involving a few monkeys, a cage, a ladder and some bananas. These researchers would put five monkeys in the cage, put the ladder inside and, at the top of the ladder, the bananas. Instinctively, the monkeys...
About Happiness

About Happiness

”Happiness – a big word, perhaps too heavy, too often used by many but whose content is too rarely felt, lived. Happiness is like the essences of expensive perfumes. It’s rare, it comes in small spurts, like the dew grains you see at high altitudes, where...
One Thing We Say, Another We Understand

One Thing We Say, Another We Understand

When I first started driving the car, I had a funny situation. I was leaving a client one evening and forgot to turn on the headlights. I was driving a Dacia at the time, so there was no question of the headlights going on and off automatically, like now. On the way...