by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching, Media Interviews
This is a message I saw on a call with one of our clients and I loved it. Especially since I’ve been thinking lately about topics like silence, listening.On one of the planes I recently traveled on, I was (un)fortunate enough to run into a few people who were...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
”I remember as a schoolgirl going to the theatre, to the opera, to concerts in the evenings. I had a French teacher who taught me to appreciate opera, who instilled in me a love of theatre performances and symphony concerts.But, as we lived in a neighborhood of houses...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
In the neighborhood I lived in until I was about 24, people were, when I was growing up, quite attentive and bouncy. If you wanted to bake a cake and didn’t have any, you could easily find some at a neighbor’s house. They would ask, they would give various...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
There’s a restaurant in Bucharest where, if you go to the toilet, you pass through a long hallway whose walls are lined with mirrors. It’s a strange feeling to see yourself in so many mirrors, it makes me a bit dizzy when I walk through. It’s the...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
I like this expression: change your place, change your luck. It’s good to move from time to time, a change can bring surprises. And when we say surprises, we all hope they are positive! My mother had a habit, when I was little, of changing the furniture in the...