by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
As someone who served in the military, I have a pretty cool relationship with discipline. I hated the army with a passion, those clothes so impersonal, then the idea of imposed discipline, of doing something, somehow, on command, without meaning, without logical...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
I went to the Baneasa mall over the weekend, I was obsessed with the thought of getting a musk elixir. The targeted store is like a corner of paradise for me, all their perfumes from the collection privee range smell sublime. While the lady was packing my elixir, I...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
I had some work in the morning in the Kogalniceau Square area. I park far enough away from the clinic where I needed to be and walk. On Plevnei Street, some commercial spaces are stuck in time, with big signs from the 90’s or even before, with the words: Leather...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Business & Leadership, Media Interviews
”For two years now there has been much talk and writing about turning inwards, inner balance, wellbeing, personal life, hybrid working, rethinking the relationship with work. It wasn’t a bad move at all, especially as the last few years, up until the pandemic,...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
I was recently talking to someone about what is called a bucket list. They were telling me that it’s hard to think of more than 10-15 things for this list. I said I would try 25. Here’s what I came up with: To go on a scooter to Italy, to Amalfi, CapriSee...