From Discipline to Self-Discipline

From Discipline to Self-Discipline

As someone who served in the military, I have a pretty cool relationship with discipline. I hated the army with a passion, those clothes so impersonal, then the idea of imposed discipline, of doing something, somehow, on command, without meaning, without logical...
Books for Free

Books for Free

I went to the Baneasa mall over the weekend, I was obsessed with the thought of getting a musk elixir. The targeted store is like a corner of paradise for me, all their perfumes from the collection privee range smell sublime. While the lady was packing my elixir, I...
Some Things Never Change…

Some Things Never Change…

I had some work in the morning in the Kogalniceau Square area. I park far enough away from the clinic where I needed to be and walk. On Plevnei Street, some commercial spaces are stuck in time, with big signs from the 90’s or even before, with the words: Leather...
25 Things to Do in This Life, for Me

25 Things to Do in This Life, for Me

I was recently talking to someone about what is called a bucket list. They were telling me that it’s hard to think of more than 10-15 things for this list. I said I would try 25. Here’s what I came up with: To go on a scooter to Italy, to Amalfi, CapriSee...