by Georgeta Dendrino | Business & Leadership, Media Interviews
”Me time – what is it, why it’s important and how can we make time for ourselves without looking selfish to family or friends. Maybe you’ve been somewhere and your phone has run out of juice, and those around you don’t have a charger for your...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
I recently caught up with a few people I hadn’t spoken to in months. When asked ‘how are you?’ I hesitated each time. Obviously, I know how I’m doing, I’m doing a lot, some are going better, more smoothly, others I seem to have the...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
„Do you sometimes feel like you’re stuck with some strongly negative emotions at work? Do you overreact to any criticism or do you often feel that every comment is about you? Do you find yourself behaving like a child who takes his toys and threatens to leave,...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
My mom and I went to a big department store over the weekend to buy a thermostat for our central heating system. The parking lot was very crowded, so she told me to wait in the car, that she’d be right back. She came, indeed she found what she was looking for,...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching, Media Interviews
I often hear around me that people are tired, that they can’t do it anymore, that they don’t feel like it, that maybe they have aged, that it’s not like it used to be. It’s a kind of fatigue mixed with boredom, with the satiety of everything...