by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
”An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth “, that’s what we were saying when we were little and we were convinced that we had to take revenge. Children have an acute sense of justice, maybe that’s where the need for revenge comes from when someone...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
One evening, last week, I turned on the TV a bit, it was past 9 PM. I had finished working and was doing some chores around the house. I was struck by the aggression of the commentators, hosts or guests of the show. It didn’t matter what they were talking about,...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
”- Now that I’ve had my second dose, can I leave home? – Where do you want to go? – Here, there, anywhere, but to go out.” – Not yet, we’ll go out together, you’ll see, wait another two weeks. – Why? Am I in jail?” My...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
When we were little, our mother had an obsession with checking to see if we washed our bodies. When she came home late from work, she would come to check. We washed our wrists and then pulled the sleeves of our pajamas down. We never managed to fool her. She wanted to...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching, Media Interviews
”I was wrong, I screwed up; I failed; I missed; I sucked; I made bad decisions; I failed an exam; I didn’t succeed – here are some ways to say the same thing, in various stylistic registers. It’s hard to talk about failure. Although, conceptually, it...