Revenge or Forgiveness

Revenge or Forgiveness

‘Revenge is the fool’s weapon! Right, but a bigger fool is the one who does not take revenge’ These were “memes by stupid kids”, as I was, where I grew up. We would assemble in gangs and, if someone from another gang did something to someone from ours, we...
Status Related Anxiety

Status Related Anxiety

‘He broke up and made a fool of his parents, what are the neighbours going to say?’ ‘Quit wearing pants, dress more nicely, in a dress, like a city girl’ ‘Put on some jewellery, so you do not look like a poor girl, to embarrass us’ ‘Move to that neighbourhood, buy a...
Changing the Conversation

Changing the Conversation

‘The product…fights anal fissures’ This is a commercial I heard this morning on TV. While I was making tea, cutting some fruit for breakfast, I let the TV run in the background, to listen to what happened in the last 24 hours. I heard this commercial before, but I...
A Few Thoughts on Change

A Few Thoughts on Change

We have all heard, in the last few years, the modern mantra from the business field: the only constant is change. Therefore, the capacity to change, to adapt, to be flexible are by definition considered qualities, while resistance to change, the need to keep the...