by Georgeta Dendrino | Business & Leadership, Coaching
Twelve years ago, I went to Chisinau by car, together with a colleague and a friend. We had a few meetings there and we planned to leave Bucharest early in the morning and return later in the evening. What we had planned home did not go as well as we had hoped once we...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
I see posts on Facebook where people talk about their negative experience with a bank, a medical centre, a telecom company, a store, anything, no matter the domain. There are some who recommend changing the provider. Did you wait a few minutes on the phone? Change the...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching, Media Interviews
Seeing that an entire mythology was created around coaching, I set out to introduce my potential clients and colleagues to my vision on several myths related to the topic. 1. Coaching is about giving advice One potential promise of coaching is to help people unlock...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
There are people who are involved in many projects, both professionally and personally, and others who are somehow more grounded, more controlled. The former seem to always be in search for something, as if they do not always know what they want, they are restless;...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
I was writing last week about my facial paralysis and the state of anxiety I had. During that period, I received a comment that left me speechless. When I was complaining that my face had drooped, one lady told me to look in my ID. I told her that my ID is something...