by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
I recently met a friend who works abroad and comes back from time to time. He tells me every time when he comes back that he has the feeling of being suspended between two worlds: the one where he works and the one from Romania. One more evolved, in Western Europe,...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
“I don’t know what I want’, ‘I don’t know what I am passionate about’; ‘I don’t like anything’; ‘I don’t know what I want anymore, nothing motivates me”. I often hear these types of statements from people of all generations, not only from young ones. Of...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Business & Leadership, Coaching
…I heard a fair amount of people saying this. Up until now, I would usually hear it from people past their 40’s- people who have worked for many years in large companies, have developed themselves and reached the point of existential crises. It’s common sense, that...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Coaching
Has time lost its patience with people or have people lost their patience with time? Recently, Simona Halep was defeated in the final match of the Cincinnati tournament. I did not watch it, but I heard from the news how her coach told her to calm down, to be...
by Georgeta Dendrino | Business & Leadership
I was talking to an older client of mine a few days ago. About 7/8 years ago I coached with him; we worked regularly for a year; he would very rarely postpone a session; he always did his homework, read what I recommended, listened to what I proposed, applied the...