The Little Pleasures in Life

The Little Pleasures in Life

It is sad how sometimes we cannot find something that can make us happy; and it is sad how we are so overwhelmed by what we do that we forget in fact that we are not the sum of what we do throughout the day; but we are much more. During coaching sessions within the...
Sunday Is a State of Mind

Sunday Is a State of Mind

In French there is a verb which I like a lot: “s’endimancher”, to put on your Sunday clothes, to dress nicely on Sunday. When I was little, my mother would dress my brother and I up when we would visit someone on Sunday. That was my parents’ day off. Back then we saw...
Out of Date?

Out of Date?

I know that is the name of a club in Bucharest (‘out of date’ means Expirat in Romanian), but I am not here to talk about it. It is about a specific attitude we have towards objects, people and customs.   We have clothes which are not fashionable...
Mon doudou / My Object of Transition

Mon doudou / My Object of Transition

Most of us had, when we were kids, an object that we would take everywhere we went. Whether that was a stuffed animal, a handkerchief, a piece of cloth, that object was with us at home, before we went to bed, when travelling to our grandparents, vacations, seaside-...